When one calls the term – Smart City, one may assume it is smartphone-driven routines in the city administration. This video explains more necessities for a smart city to be. It needs idealization, attitude- and behavior shaping, determination, planned- and age conscious work, and technology that helps to add the beauty of it with smart administration and smart citizens with mentioned traits.
Companies like ‘Du’ and ‘Zero.1’ are in partnership with ‘Dubai Silicon Oasis’, working on the project by which ca. 100 street lights in DSO – a free trade zone complex will be emitting LED-powered internet up to the speed of 224 GB per second.
They are also on the plan to incorporate such technology for ‘Dubai Smart City Platform’ and retail sectors. At an immediate level, such technology is seemed handy in transmitting data of traffic- and security/safety incidents through videos, air pollution monitoring data.
The physical wall or any screen that blocks the visible light can definitely be a problem. This needs transmitters and sensors at every room for the LiFi technology (optical telecommunication) to be working and is already less appealing because of overhead costs of such installations.