As the regulator body for telecommunication in Nepal, NTA (Nepal Telecommunication Authority) has shifted the hefty amount from NTA fund to Government’s account, the employee union has strongly opposed the action and has been agitating, with no work and prohibiting NTA head to enter into his office from Thursday. The union argues that the money collected from the telcos in Nepal has to be used for the telecommunication development and the infrastructure of the NTA itself. The union even demands to use the money for the procurement of tools and resources for proper monitoring of quality and other regulation. They have also demanded the resignation of all of the board members for making that decision. Though NTA higher officials claim that remaining 5 billion in the fund can be used for NTA infrastructure and resources, the union asserts the fund transfer is illegal as per the prevailing Telecommunication Act, 2053.
The Financial controller general office (FCGO) has been asking for the shifting of the fund and they have even circulated a letter for that, which is in line with NTA and Government. But the union seems not to backtrack from their demands until all of the board members resign from the post. MOIC secretary expresses his amaze for this demand and argues that all of the genuine issues has been already settled. Secretary Dinesh Thapalia further says, “Remaining 5 billion rupees can be used for the equipment, laboratory and building in NTA, which would not take more than 1 billion”. He argues that the taxes collected from the people should not be misused as per employee unions demands and is known to change the existing act to prohibit such agitation. With the words from the secretary, it seems that the employee unions demands is according to the existing Telecommunication act, thats why Secretary points to change the provision for making transfer the fund valid.
We will update more on the NTA employee agitation.