Supreme court of Nepal has launched its official mobile app for easy information to the justice seeking Nepali people. As a part of the digital drive and e-governance, they had already started providing the information from their website. Supreme court of Nepal app now makes it more easy for the people to get the information in their own phones.
The supreme court app includes daily cause list, weekly cause list, detailed reports (partial or full), status of the cases. The information about the judges, their reports, case decisions are also available in the app.
So, people who have filed their cases can access to the status of the case in detail using the app. The app also have sample of templates for different letters to the court, which can also be downloaded.
Adopting the smart technology for the digital information, people take this app to be important step in the judiciary system of Nepal. Launching the Supreme court Nepal app, Chief justice also expressed his belief for the app to help people get easy access to the judicial information.
How to use Supreme court of Nepal app?
The supreme court of Nepal developed the app with their own employees, in-house. Till now, the supreme court of Nepal app is available for download in Android. Later, the app will also be available in iOS. Considering the feedback from the people, they will not only gradually change the app design and information but also the whole judiciary system, with the use of digital medium for registration, audio visual or video conferencing.
Tell us what do you think of the Supreme court of Nepal app.