We performed a survey regarding the use of mobile data and people’s expectations. Thanks to all 600 people who participated in the survey. We will have two posts regarding the survey result. This is the first one. About the cost of mobile data internet in Nepal, 45 percent of people found it to be expensive. 27 percent feel it be affordable whereas 24 percent of people say the operators need to add more data pack. Although there are always some people who whine about the price no matter how cheap, the result shows existing price does not meet people’s expectations for affordability.
Money spent on data in a month
Regarding the average money, people spend on data in a month, 37.6 % still spend less than Rs 200. We also found 37.7 % of people spend more than Rs 500. Whereas 24.7 percent of people use it in the range Rs 200 to Rs 500.
Money more for data or Voice, SMS?
We have seen a rapid surge in the trend of data consumption among people. Due to which, people need to spend more money on the data. Same is the result which says 56.5 percent people spend more money on data than Voice, SMS combined. 24 percent of people say they spend more or less equally. Whereas 19.5 percent still spend more on the voice, SMS services.
Duration and volume of data packs
For the people’s preference for the data package, 52.5 percent of people prefer large volume and long duration data packs which should be a little expensive. We asked people irrespective of the price in terms of duration and volume. Some 20 percent of people also demand small volume long duration which we assume for the low paying people.
Use of OTT apps for voice calls
Regarding the use of OTT apps like FB, Viber, WhatsApp, messenger for voice calls, it seems popular among people. 39 percent use such apps mostly whereas 56 percent of people use it sometimes only. All in all, it seems such apps are getting popular here. Telcos once cited OTT apps to have reduced their international voice call revenue. But here we were doing research only for the local calls, other than calling people who reside abroad.
Application specific data packs
As telcos keep on bringing apps specific data packs like FB pack, YouTube pack we asked people for their preference. We found 44 percent of people prefer it which is quite a lot than our expectations. Some 18.6 % of people feel that there should be more such packs for other apps.
We will soon post the second part of the result along with the name of lucky winner for Rs 200 recharge.