Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) launched online share trading in Nepal back in 2075. Minister for Finance Dr. Yubaraj Khatiwoda inaugurated an online share transaction system at that time. Even after the launch, the online share buy and sell took a lot of time to be feature-full & stable. Find the process to buy/sell share online trading through the Nepse portal in Nepal.
It is believed that the introduction of online share trading will lift our share market to an international level. On the occasion of 25 years of establishment of the Stock exchange, full online share buy/sell in Nepal.
A Surge in Online Share Buying/Selling
The online share trading in the secondary market has recently increased its number and popularity among investors. As per the latest 2020 data, the percentage of online share transaction has become one-third of the total transaction in a week (source: Nepalipaisa). It is also due to the proliferation of smartphones and the expansion of 4G connectivity throughout the country.
The COVID-19 pandemic also gave a big boost to Online share trading due to the virus threat. Now

NEPSE believed that online share trading will be a steppingstone for the stock market. Fully automated online transaction eliminates unnecessary movement of people to the broker’s place. Apart from the easy transaction, it will also remove the blame for the brokers for low prices and delay in selling shares.
There are around 21 thousand investors who do share trading through Nepse online portal. Although the number is quite low (out of 14 lakhs investors), they make big sum of transaction through online means.
Online Share Trading System
NEPSE started to launch the online system for trading. Due to several issues, the launch has been delayed. But they have now a full-fledged system in place after rigorous testing of the online share transaction.
For the normal people to do the online share transaction, the brokers will provide the username and password to enter inside the system. The investors need to update their KYC details in the brokers for access to the online system. Once we get the username and password, we can do all the share transactions including the money transfer itself.

In the first phase, they only allowed the Share brokers to do the online transaction for which they required an account in the system. But now even the end users can buy and sell shares (secondary market) online, without calling brokers.
How to Buy/sell Shares Online?
Here are the steps to follow for buying/selling shares through Nepse online.
- To buy or sell shares from the primary or secondary market, you need to have a Demat account. You might have already done a Demat of your shares which you want to sell at the appropriate time. We also recommend using Mero Share along with C-ASBA to manage the share list properly.
- Then you should go to the nearest or close security services where you might have already done offline trading before. You also need to make an account for which you need to update KYC details.
- You need to reset your password for which click the Forget password link. Then enter your username/client code and email address. If the email address is correct (as used before in the KYC), then you will get the reset link using which you can change the password. Please take into consideration that the password should be of length 7-14 with at least 1 cap, 1 digit, and 1 special character. This helps to secure your password. Do save your password safely somewhere on your mobile or in your computer browser.
- After the activation of the online account, you need to browse the trading URL of the broker (provided after KYC update) and enter the username, password, captcha code to log in. The brokers also have their online share trade login URL on their website.
- The format of the URL for the TMC is https://tms** where ** is the number of the security company/broker where you have opened your account.
We recommend you check if the SIM card is registered in your name?

- You can find Nepse indexes (which can also be customized) and DNA logged in (which means if you can transact or not). If the DNA logged in is not there, you need to contact the respective broker from where you made the account.
- The pre-open sessions start from 10:30 to 10:45 am and the continuous session starts from 11 am to 3 pm. You can preview the shares market in the pre-open session. For this, you need to use the order management on the left side during the continuous session period. You also need to click normal order and toggle buy or sell in the new tab.
- You can manage the fund in the online share trading portal by loading money from your bank using online banking for a specific reason.
- The detail of the shares you can sell can also be viewed from DP holding.
- You can also view market data inside the system along with top gainers, top losers, daily order lists, and historical order lists.
Nepse Mobile app
NEPSE has also planned to integrate Trading Management System (TMS) in their mobile app. Now the current NEPSE app provides the live share market indexes, price, top gainers/losers as shown on their website. As they have started to prepare a tender for the mobile app, we can expect the new NEPSE mobile app to launch in 6 months. Mero Share has already launched its mobile app for the IPO/FPO/right share buying and assisting share transaction with EDIS share transfer.
With the introduction of online share trading in Nepal, investors can buy or sell the shares through the Nepse online system using the internet on either Mobile, Laptop, or Computer. You can place an order for a specific no of shares to buy or sell. After placing the order, if the order matches, the transaction becomes successful otherwise it will cancel at the end of the day.
Don’t forget to read how to save mobile data on your phone.
Tell us what you think of the NEPSE online share trading system, comment your views on it below. If you have any issues with the process to buy shares through Nepse online, you can ask below.