Nepal Telecom (Ntc) has started the installation work of 4G LTE towers across the country. After the completion of the tower survey and the arrival of equipment from China, they begin establishing base stations for 4G LTE service.
Although being the first one to launch 4G in Nepal (Jan 1, 2017), Ntc couldn’t expand its 4G network to other places beyond Kathmandu and Pokhara. It is due to scrutiny of the graft body CIAA and the 4G project deal taking long to culminate.
Back in Feb 2019, Nepal Telecom has made a deal worth of Rs 18 billion for the whole 4G LTE project, to provide large scale 4G service across the country. They have three different projects under the complete 4G LTE project which are Core, Network 1 and Network 2. Chinese Vendor ZTE provides the Core equipment whereas both the Network 1 &2 are provided by CCSI, Hong Kong.
- Ntc makes a contract for 4G LTE network: a whopping multi-million-dollar project.
- No of 4G users increase by 125% in Nepal.
As known, the installation of the core equipment is already completed with tests underway. To provide 4G service commercially, Ntc needs to install the hardware equipment, perform multiple tests before assuring good performance. Same is the case for the radio network, which takes more effort for operation, testing and tuning.

Above map of Nepal shows the region how the two networks are being separated geographically. They are now installing base stations in both of the network.
According to an NTC Engineer, who posted picture and details of 4G installation to begin at Panauti. He also writes that the 4G network will be ready for commercial on air after a few weeks.

Similarly works in major areas of the country are ongoing. As per the target of Ntc, they will operate 4G in major areas within Ashoj, 2076.
What is 4G LTE?
LTE is the name of the fourth-generation mobile technology standard. LTE stands for Long Term Evolution, the generic name for 4G technology. There are different variants of LTE ranging from 3.9G to 4.5G.
4G can provide data speeds up to 1Gbps downlink and 100 Mbps Uplink but it actually depends on the amount of spectrum used. The above mentioned is the highest one for which it requires the maximum amount of spectrum. But that is rarely available with the telecom operators now. For Nepal, the peak speed of 4G LTE is now around 70 Mbps while the average speed for the customer comes to 10 to 15 Mbps.
To use 4G service, customer needs to have a 4G compatible handset and SIM. Read in detail for how to activate 4G in Ntc, Ncell and put 4G in your phone.
There are various services with 4G. As 4G is a data-only technology, either the phone falls back to 2G, 3G or use VoLTE for voice calls. Similarly, ViLTE service provides the IP video call over LTE.
What to expect with Ntc 4G?
With the operation of the 4G LTE, Ntc brings the latest 4G technology to Nepal and its customers. Here are some of the features of Ntc 4G.
- Speed: Ntc will provide peak 4G speed of around 100 Mbps which also depends on the coverage, user density, and mobile handset. Whereas the average 4G speed will come to around 15 Mbps.
- VoLTE: Voice over LTE service allows people to make calls through 4G. Read more about VoLTE features here.
- ViLTE stands for Video over LTE which provides Video call over the 4G technology.
- Small cells: Ntc will also add 6000 small cells around the country where the capacity and coverage are not enough. This will add better coverage and speed to people living in shadowed or indoor areas.
- Vo-Wifi: It is similar to VoLTE with Wifi taking place instead of LTE. It is a VoIP technology that allows making calls without even having a mobile signal, but it uses Wi-Fi.
- 5G ready equipment: As per Ntc press meet back in April 2019, they made it clear that the current equipment is compatible with 5G. So, as long as Nepal market becomes ready for 5G, Ntc will also bring the latest Next-generation technology to Nepal. All the details are provided by Ntc on the very same press meet.
Tell us what do you expect with Ntc 4G network after the installation work of 4G tower begin? It is now a matter of some time when 4G becomes available to all of our hands from Nepal Telecom. The private telecom operator Ncell has widest 4G network in the country. But is it true that Nepal Telecom’s 4G network will soon expand beyond Ncell. Well that we do not know. Let’s see how they will compete against each other for 4G.