As the country is under lockdown, it is difficult for the people to get the physical cards for the recharge. Considering this trouble, Nepal Telecom touts some of its online top-up methods. Ntc has been providing several alternatives to such paper recharge. Some of the processes for the topup are MPOS/Kiosk Machines, digital payment apps, Mobile/online banking, Debit/Credit cards. As people also want to transfer money to their friends, family, Ntc also has a balance transfer option which has been revised for now.
Please read how Nepali companies are doing to tackle the COVID-19 situation.
Physical recharge cards could also be the means of transfer of the virus if precautions not taken properly. So it should not be preferred for now and at all times due to the erasure of the pin code during the scratch. NTC has already implemented a solution to recover the recharge number. But if you know there is some hassle, why should you adopt it as you have many alternatives.
As all of the people do not have the access to the digital payment methods, people should support the needed ones (of course for their family/friends) by topping up their balance through their own account. In this crisis situation, people (not only in a country but globally) need to have a supportive spirit to fight against the COVID-19 together.
Remember in this lockdown period, Ntc is providing 100% bonus on recharge and more offers to support their customers.You need to check the bonus balance. Read more on the Ntc offer for the lockdown period.
Here are the alternatives to physical recharge card, that you need to adopt not only now but for all time as it is much convenient.
MPOS/Kiosk Machine
Nepal Telecom has distributed such MPOS enabled services to several stationaries and shops. To charge your account or others, you need to give your mobile number to the shop and they will directly top up into the account along with the money. As they term it as pinless recharge, you do not need to type any pin codes with this recharge.
Additionally, you could find the Kiosk machines in Supermarket, Hospital and Ntc offices. If those places are nearby, you can go and put your physical money for the payment and top-up.
Digital payment Apps
One of the most preferred methods of top-up now is with digital payment services. These wallet based apps or direct bank transfer allows the easy balance topup and payment using the website and mobile apps. Some of these digital payment apps are eSewa, Khalti, IME pay, Cellpay, etc. The best thing about such apps is that you get cashback in every recharge which is around 2% now.
Find the top popular digital wallets in Nepal.
Mobile banking/Online banking
Nowadays all banks have their own mobile banking and online banking service which also allows you to recharge your balance. With such apps, you will be able to use the money in your bank account to charge the mobile balance and bill payments.

Mobile banking uses SMS for the topup whereas online banking uses the internet. To use such service, you need to have enabled the services for your bank account which obviously takes some yearly service charge.
ATM/credit card pay
Nepal Telecom has recently started this card payment portal in its website with which you can recharge your account or pay Ntc bills straight from your card. The cards could be debit/ATM card, credit cards from several banks.
You only need to make sure that the card validity is not expired and the CVV present at the back of your card is readable. Find the method to recharge using this card payment solution in Nepal Telecom.
Money transfer
To help others, you can directly top up others’ accounts using one of the above methods. Similarly, you can even transfer money to their accounts from own balance to those in need. To facilitate people in urgent need of balance and encourage helping hands, Nepal Telecom has increased the balance transfer amount and number.
Now you can transfer the amount of Rs 10 to Rs 200 to another Ntc prepaid mobile (GSM, CDMA). Earlier the amount limit was Rs 100 and now the number of such transfer has been increased from 5 to Rs 10. Find detailed information about the balance transfer in Ntc.
Nepal Telecom believes all of these alternatives shall help people to get the basic services in this troubled situation due to the Coronavirus threat.
Tell us what do you think of the Nepal Telecom top-up methods, the alternative to the physical recharge card, in the comment below.