Diverse Patterns, a business innovation company on diversity, has launched an inclusive and accessible learning digital platform called “Learning Inclusion”. The initiative is supported by International Development Institute (IDI), a learning institute based on Washington DC. Similarly, Australia Awards Disability Initiative Grant provided financial support for the development of the platform.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they hosted an event over Zoom to inaugurate Nepal’s first-ever accessible e-learning platform. The platform is a bonafide attempt to promote universal access and inclusion.
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Sagar Prasai, a techpreneur, and social activist leads the “Learning inclusion” platform. On the launch, Sagar said “In today’s world, the inclusive approach has become a significant part of anybody’s personal and professional life because human diversity exists. This inclusive platform strengthens people with or without disability to further embody human diversity (disability) in the design process of their planning so that no one is left behind.”
Sagar believes that courses on Learning Inclusion will be a great help for anyone who wants to stay continuously informed and upgrade their existing skills and knowledge on Diversity and Inclusion.
While inaugurating the platform, Sagar mentioned it to be a beta launch as the platform may not be error-free for now. They are known to update the website and the access techniques for all courses within some period of time. They have also made the launching program as inclusive as possible, by including a sign language and captions to make it accessible for all.
Suman Timsina, Executive Director of the International Development Institute (IDI) expresses “Courses on Learning Inclusion are the best use of technology to understand and enhance digital accessibility skills. It helps you to accommodate the human difference and understand the importance of inclusion”.
In the launch program, they announced their first-ever course called “Making Documents Accessible for All- Digital Accessibility. The objective of the course is to teach people how to make digital files that is accessible for all users including PWD (People with disabilities). The files could be documents, sheets, and presentations from applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Google Docs and Slides.
You can visit the “Learning Inclusion” platform and start learning the course if you are interested.
Here are the features of “Learning Inclusion” platform.
- Accessible content in reference to Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG)
- Contents available both in Nepali and English
- Text as well as video content for easy understanding.
- Captions (in Nepali and English) and Nepali Sign Language in Video.
- Relevant courses covering local and global context.
- Certification after completion.
It is a noble initiative from the people involved in the field of universal access and inclusion. So, we would like to request all to have a look at the website and suggest it to those who might need it.