State-backed operator Nepal Telecom (NTC) says that the lack of coordination among the concerned parties during construction works has led to its customers facing service disruptions. Releasing a statement, the operator said that due to no discussion among the relevant parties during construction and infrastructure expansion works, thousands of its customers have been without regular telecom services for a while in recent times.
Nepal Telecom has issued the statement as there were issues with its fiber internet service in some parts of Kathmandu. Check out: Ntc Fiber Internet Packages, Prices, Offer
The company mentioned that the lack of coordination between related agencies during the construction, expansion, maintenance, relocation, and cable management works of public infrastructures and works done by local governments relating to the roads, water supply, sewerage, electricity, etc. has contributed to the disruption of telecom services.
Ntc says such works have compromised its underground cable, aerial cable, fiber system infrastructures, and other equipment. As a result, thousands of its customers have suffered from network outages and poor performance.

During such uncoordinated works, the telco’s infrastructures laid underground (ducts, fibers) and on poles were affected in Thamel, Jyatha, Kamaladi, Kapan, Gongabu, Hattigauda, Khushibu, Tinkune (Subidhanagar), Lubhu, Kirtipur, and other areas. The damage to its telecom equipment and other hardware left thousand of its subscribers, out of service for a period.
Besides, Ntc has witnessed comprising times in its services from missing balance issues in postpaid to network outages lately.
Ntc calls for coordination in construction works to avoid service disruption
Ntc suggests that there is a need for coordination and cooperation between the concerned bodies during the construction or expansion works to avert telecom service disruptions. The company says that it is ready to cooperate with all the parties whenever necessary.
Since telecommunication is an essential service, the company has requested support from all parties and the public to ensure continuous service delivery.
Ntc, while apologizing for service disruption, has also said that it expects continuity to its service usage from customers in the coming days. Check out: NTA calls internet cable cutting a human rights violation
Have you suffered a major network disruption from Ntc lately? What do you suggest the company should reduce network outages to the minimum? You can share your suggestions in the comments below.