Nepal Telecom (NTC) launched a Rs 1 movie service on its IPTV platform NTTV in 2081. This super-affordable movie facility is available for users with an NT TV subscription. The company brings this offer for select popular movies and now, it’s brought blockbuster Prem Geet 3. Yes, that’s true. You can watch the epic drama on the NT TV for just Rs 1. Find the details to grab this offer.
The Pradeep Khadka starter movie is available on NTTV for Rs 1 on Saturday, Poush 13. The date is fixed for Saturday as it’s a national holiday and allows family and friends to enjoy the movie together.
This feature is available as per NT TV’s One Day Movie Rs 1 Scheme. You need to buy this movie on NT TV first. You can find the movie Prem Geet 3 in the movie section on NT TV’s interface on your TV. Upon purchase, the nominal fee of Rs 1 is deducted from the main balance in your NTC SIM.
Prem Geet 3 is an action movie based on a romance starring Pradeep Khadka (Prem) and Kristina Gurung (Geet). The movie centers around Prem, the younger prince of Khazaag, and his struggle to overcome his biggest obstacle, Geet, his only love en route to becoming the king. It’s one of the biggest hits in Nepali movie industry.
After purchaing, the movie becomes available for watching for 24 hours. Within that period, you can watch the movie at any time at your convenience. NT brought this service so that it customers could utilize their Saturday holiday with family and strengthen their bond.
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Steps to buy movies at Rs 1 on Nepal Telecom NTTV service?
Watching a recent and popular movie at a nominal cost is just too exciting. Thankfully, it’s also possible quite easily. Check out the steps to buy Prem Geet 3 at Rs 1 on NTTV:
- Go to the Movie section on NTTV.
- Click on One Day Movies Rs 1.
- Click on the Buy Option.
- Enter your mobile number.
- Pay Rs 1 (deducted from the number’s main balance).
- Enter the OTP you get on the same NT number and verify.
Nepal Telecom has kicked off its Rs 1 movie scheme starting Shrawan 12 with Nango Gau and the new blockbuster will make the service even more popular among the customers. As it’s a feature on NT TV , the platform will bring more movies in the coming days.
If you launch the NTTV mobile app for the first time on your phone, you see the screen just as above. If you get this, you need to enter the Serial or MAC ID of your NTTV router. You can also perform a QR scan on a QR code to fast-forward the process. After entering the details, you can enter the home screen of the app and avail of its services.
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DID YOU KNOW? Nepal Telecom has introduced a la carte pricing model on NT TV that lets you buy channels in bouquets.
So, if you are an NTTV subscriber, you can watch Nepali movies and enjoy your holiday at home with your close ones at home. For any query on NT TV, pricing, and movie subscription, let us know in the comments below or in our social media posts.