As the number of complaints about the unreasonable billing of their mobile phone rises up, Nepal Telecom explains the billing procedure for its postpaid mobile. We could also find a huge number of such complaints especially during the start of each month. First, you need to know the differences between a Postpaid and prepaid account. Actually, the billing process is what makes the postpaid different from prepaid. Find more differences between prepaid and postpaid.

In a postpaid SIM, the system calculates every call or usage as an “Unbilled amount”. Then at the end of the month ( that is the 15th of every month in English), they prepare the total bill for the customer number. The amount that requires payment, after the preparation of the bill for that month is called an “unpaid bill”. For example: If a number (9851000000) has an unpaid bill of Rs 1425 on March 22, then it means that the customer needs to pay Rs 1425 till March 14.
Although they prepare the bill at the end of the month, the system keeps on calculating the used amount after each call. This amount as already mentioned above is an Unbilled amount. So, if a customer has an unbilled amount of Rs 250 on March 22, that means the customer has used service worth Rs 250 post the bill run (that is from March 14 to 22). Then they will assign the total unbilled amount till April 14 (end of Chaitra) to the bill of Chaitra month.
Let’s go through other terms involved in the Nepal Telecom postpaid billing.
What is the due amount?
The amount used by the customer, that is remaining to be paid to the telecom operator, is the due amount. From the terms used above, we can put as the due amount is the sum total of “unpaid bill” and “unbilled amount”.
Let’s take an example of the above customer where the due amount on March 22 date is Rs 1675 ( 1425 + 250).
You can get the info of due amount by dialing *400# which also provides you the credit limit amount, which is explained below.
Credit Limit
A new postpaid SIM costs Rs 945 which is the sum of ownership charge, VAT, Credit Limit. Read more about the cost of Ntc postpaid SIM. They say the ownership charge and VAT will go to Government’s account while the Credit limit remains for the customer to use it for a month. The 380 rupees credit limit is the amount that the customer can use as a default. As Ntc has updated the cost of the SIM card time and again, the credit limit could be different for older postpaid customers and CUG numbers.
Rental Charge
Ntc has enacted a rental charge of Rs 383.07 to its postpaid users. The rental charge means that even if you consume services worth less than Rs 383.07, you need to pay Rs 383.07. Suppose, you consume Rs 100 in your postpaid number, Ntc will charge you the rental amount of Rs 383.07. It’s like you commit to using that amount every month. Whereas it may be different from the CUG users and other postpaid offers like the rental of Rs 900.
NTC suggests that if you use a higher amount than Rs 383.07, then it is better to increase your credit limit by paying more.
Use of Rental charge in Ntc postpaid mobile
A postpaid customer’s usage for a normal call, data, and SMS is taken from the rental charge, that is without buying any package. Whereas for the other packs (except for the postpaid pack), Ntc will charge you beyond the rental charge. That’s why the postpaid pack is more advantageous to the users. But we find that people are less aware of the pack and the usage of “rental charge” for other packs.
If the usage exceeds the credit limit, then the Customer service gets barred which means telcos put the number on one way or both way bar with some negative balance. A one-way bar means allowing the customer to receive a call whereas a two-way bar hinders them from calling or receiving.
For such customers, if they recharge their accounts, the new balance will show only after deducting the negative balance. Similarly, if the number is one-way open, you cannot use the already bought packages. You can access the packages only if your line is two way open after the recharge.
Overcharging complain
We could also find people’s complaints about overcharge in their postpaid SIM, especially at the end of a Nepali month. NTC clarifies that it is mainly due to the people’s confusion regarding the postpaid billing procedure.
The telco tells that even if a customer uses Rs 100 in a month, they take up the total rental amount of Rs 383.07 for each month. So, the customer gets surprised for where did the amount Rs 283.07 (Rs 383.07-100) go? This means most people are using postpaid SIM without knowing what the Postpaid is all about.
Similarly, if a user buys a regular data pack in the postpaid sim, they calculate it separately from the rental charge. If a customer purchases a data pack of Rs 100, the charge for the customer for that month will be minimum of Rs 383.07+Rs 100. So, you should purchase postpaid packs if you want to use a large volume of data and voice from packages.
How to Check the Ntc Postpaid Bill?
Find the different processes to check the Postpaid Bill in Nepal Telecom below.
- Using USSD code *400# which will show the Credit limit and the due amount.
- Using the Nepal Telecom mobile app.
- Another portal dedicated to online bills in Ntc. Read more on how to check online bill in Ntc >>
In addition to the above explanation, Ntc also claims that it’s postpaid SIM provides affordable call rates than prepaid while adding various other features. We also know there is a huge craze for the postpaid SIM (especially the number range 98510) for the business person and elites.
Do check out the process to check your phone usage for data, SMS, or call history by viewing your call details.
If you have any confusion regarding the Nepal Telecom postpaid billing process with rental charge and baring, you can leave your query in the comment box below.