The Nepal Network Operators’ Group (npNOG) has successfully conducted the 9th edition of its workshop “npNOG 9”. This glorious ICT event was held jointly by NPIX and Nepal Network Operators Group from January 28th to February 1st, 2024, in Sauraha, Chitwan where various industry experts delivered their insights on network essentials.
During the seminar, the experts from the ICT fields gave training to the participants. The seminars had 7 females and 31 males coming from various organizations. For the unaware, npNOG is a community of network professionals and operators in Nepal. It specializes in system and network operations.
npNOG 9 participants
The npNOG9 workshop was facilitated by network professionals from Nepal and abroad. Likewise, participants received valuable insights and hands-on experience. The workshop has been ideal for ICT enthusiasts, professionals, and computer engineering students seeking a career in the ICT industry. Participants received insights directly from experts about networking ranging from Campus LAN, network security, DNS, Troubleshooting Network Connectivity, etc.
The npNOG 9 seminar had participants from Nepal Telecom (NTC), Disk Media Network, Cloud Himalaya Limited, Chaudhari Techno Traders, Astavision Infosys, Alisha Communication Link Pvt Ltd, PDS Server Network Pvt Ltd, Subisu Cable Net, Techminds Network PVT LTD, The British College, Web Network PVT LTD, Websurfer communication, Worldlink Communication, Vianet, Swargadwari communication, and Made Infotech Pvt Ltd.

This workshop will be fruitful in addressing the need for highly skilled technical manpower in Internet infrastructure construction and management. Altogether, 38 people participated in the workshop. Of all, 6 were selected from the npNOG 9th Fellowship Program and participated in the training.
The 5-day event received vital support from APNIC, NTA, ISPAN, NREN, Worldlink Communication, Subisu, PCH, Workalaya, Kalash Service, Websurfer, OMNetwork, Techminds, Dish Home, and Vianet.
The seminar was started by NPIX Executive Director Rupesh Shrestha. Likewise, Chief Guest Kamal Raj Bastola, the Executive Director of TechMinds Network participated in the concluding ceremony. Samit Jana, npNOG Chairman announced the concluded event.
The seminar was another reflection of its growing influence and contribution to the industry. Over the past years, the group has made a significant impact in the ICT field through training and professional development works. The group seeks to develop ICT skills in Network Essentials.
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Honing the digital talents
In addition, the five-day workshops played a role in honing digital talents, a movie that aligns with the priorities of the government. The Digital Nepal vision remains one of the brainchild and priorities of Nepal and such events prove crucial to uplift the youth by bolstering their morale. Bridging the digital divide is only possible with such initiatives, government policies, and investments.

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If you want more information about the npNOG9 workshop in Chitwan, let us know in the comment section below.